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Plenty of Fish date rejects single mum with shocking comment about how she cares for her baby

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Plenty of Fish date rejects single mum with shocking comment about how she cares for her baby

The 21-year-old is bravely speaking out about her experience to tell other mums they should be proud of being a parent and not let ‚immature‘ daters out there make them think any different

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Other people actually shared stories where they’d met their long-term partners on dating sites and it’d been the best thing for them

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Chloe Hawke, from Bodmin, Cornwall, was told by a man she was chatting to on the dating App : „You wipe your child’s ass when he’s had a s***? F*** being with someone who cleans someone’s ass.“

The 21-year-old is now bravely speaking out about her experience to tell other mums that being a parent is part of who they are and they should be proud – and not let ‚immature‘ daters out there make them think any different.

She had been chatting to ‚Chris from Devon‘ online for a couple of days and the two were getting on well.

Moving the conversation towards a date, Chris asked Chloe to tell him more about herself and so she mentioned her one-year-old son Noah.

Despite clearly being keen on the first-time mum and showering her with jokes and praise, Chris then made the rude comments.

Chloe said: „We spoke for a couple of days, telling stupid, funny jokes and then he said ‚you seem interesting, tell me more about yourself‘. As soon as I said I was a single mum, that’s when he said it.

„The tone turned completely. He replied: ‚You wipe your child’s ass when he’s had a s***? F*** being with someone who cleans someone’s ass.‘

„As soon as he said that he was an utter a****** in my eyes. I blocked and deleted him straight away.

Chloe said: „Being a single mum, I’ve been solely set on raising my son over the past 15 months, but I’m also 21 – I’m still young. So I just thought I’d download [Plenty of Fish] and see what happens. Read More